Style Tips When You’re Feeling Blah

Ever feel kind of blah? I got that feeling this week as I looked around my house. I have a great place to live and I love it but I wasn’t feeling it. Everything was the same as it has always been. So, I decided all I really needed to switch things up – rearrange some furniture, mix around the things on the walls, add some new décor, swap out a lampshade here and a pillow or two there.

It’s amazing what some small tweaks can do. The same is true with your style. If you feel like you are stuck always wearing the same things you may need to switch things up. Don’t be intimidated. A few small tweaks and updates can give you a renewed love of your personal style. Links are in bold italicized font so click away for more information.

Try some new combinations. Layering is practical for cozy comfort and also creates different looks. Layer your favorite long sleeve shirt over a tee in a great color and top it with a jacket or cardigan. I did this look with a red plaid shirt, bright purple tee and dark jean jacket Tuesday and really liked it.

Get creative with your off-season pieces. Try layering a cold-shoulder top over a long sleeve. I also tried this on Wednesday, I didn’t love it, but I gave it a shot and now I know! Try new things and take small steps to become braver in putting together outfits.

If you’re feeling low on creativity, check out Pinterest or your favorite social media spots. Pick up a style magazine and as you flip through take note of what you like and consider how you can do something similar with what’s in your wardrobe.

Look at your accessory stash and see how you can use them in a new way for your daily looks. Jewelry is a daily staple for me, but don’t forget socks and tights, scarves, headbands and hats. Stretch yourself to mix things up in the extras department.

We can bring excitement back into our daily looks with hair, makeup and nails too. Try parting your hair a little deeper on the opposite side of your head (hello, instant volume!) or look online for a new way to style it. Watch some makeup tutorials for ideas on stepping up your makeup. Be adventurous with your next mani too- it’s less commitment than a pixie cut and less permanent than a tattoo!

Back to my mini home refresh. Do you know the best thing I did? I asked for help. My sister is fantastic at making a space just right, so I went to her for fresh ideas and inspiration. Plus, it’s always more fun to work on something together.

Why not do the same with style? I am a certified Christian Image Consultant and I understand how to choose the best colors and dress a body so that the best features are highlighted while challenge areas are camouflaged to create a balanced shape. A Personal Style Appointment teaches you these three keys to dress you best every day plus trends and more.

Virtual Personal Style Appointments are done via email and phone for $60. You will have your completed style analysis, a set of virtual swatches you access right from your smartphone and the confidence to dress you best every day. Call or email today to schedule your Personal Style Appointment.

What’s Is Your Signature Style Statement?

Do you have a Signature Style Statement? Are you thinking, “Uh, no…? I don’t even know what that is.” A Signature Style Statement is a simple way of thinking about your personal style. I first heard about having a Signature Style Statement from Shari Braendel, the wonderful lady who trained me through her Christian Image Consultant program. It is such a helpful to use as a tool to direct your outer appearance and define how you want to display yourself to the world.

Your Signature Style Statement is totally up to you – it speaks to your personal style. There are lots of good reasons to come up with your SSS:

  • It clarifies your style
  • It makes shopping decisions easier
  • It encourages creativity when putting together outfits

Your SSS is two adjectives and a noun that clearly state what you want your personal style to say. To get started with your Signature Style Statement, asking yourself: How do I want to be perceived? How do I want my clothes to make me feel? What do I want to see myself as? Take a look at this word bank and select words that speak to you. Say them out loud, change the order, or come up with your own words that aren’t on this list.

Used with permission, Shari Braendel, Fashion Meets Faith

While working on my Signature Style Statement I thought of a few adjectives but decided against them: Chic speaks to me, but felt too far away from my everyday life in western NE and is an awkward fit when doing things like working with cattle! Polished draws me too, but it feels like too much pressure to have good hair days all the time! I like Colorful, but that didn’t work with all the black in my closet.

So, where did I land on my SSS? Cheerful, Classic Encourager. For me it means fun accessories and unexpected pops of color that work with my classic style. When I get dressed in the morning. I take a good look in the full-length mirror and decide if that outfit is hitting the mark. If not, I’ve got my SSS to use as a guideline to make adjustments.

I am drawn to black (good thing it’s my best neutral!) and at the same time I have a cheery disposition. How do I reconcile those two ideas to put together looks that are true to me? I use accessories and pops of color to get to Cheerful, Classic Encourager. For example, last month I bought a bright purple headband that’s great for adding cheer to a classic look.

As you ponder your SSS, don’t feel like you have to get it right the first time. Try it out for a few days and if it isn’t working, make some tweaks and try it again. You may even ask a good friend what words come to mind when she thinks about your style.

Designer Rachel Zoe says, “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.” Use your Signature Style Statement to tell the world who you are – you won’t even have to open your mouth.

To get the most out of your Signature Style Statement you will want a good foundation for putting together great outfits, no matter what your style. A Personal Style Appointment teaches you your very best colors, dressing for your body shape and accessorizing the right way.

Virtual Personal Style Appointments are done via email and phone for $60. You will have your completed style analysis, a set of virtual swatches you access right from your smartphone and the confidence to dress you best every day. Call or email today to schedule your Personal Style Appointment.

I’d love to know your Signature Style Statement, comment here and let me know what you come up with!

How to Choose a Great Hat

It’s National Hat Day so let’s talk about how to find a flattering hat.  There are so many options and it can feel overwhelming!  Start by considering the color, material, shape and how you will style your hair. 

Color is always the first place I start when looking at clothing and accessories.  If you want a neutral, go with one that coordinates with your hair color.  Look how lovely the soft brown looks on the beautiful redhead above.  You can also go with a pop color for a real statement.  Pay attending to the details like hatbands and accents to be sure they suit your style.

Material is an important consideration.  To wear the wrong material during the wrong season of the year will look silly.  For the cooler months you want a winter fabric like wool, felt or a cozy knit.  The photo grid below shows common styles in winter fabrics in colors that look great.

Used with permission, Styled by Serena

Now on to finding the best shape.  It’s all about creating balance in your look. If you are tall choose a shorter crown.  If you want to add height chose a tall crown or upturned brim.  If you’ve got a round face you need an angular hat, whereas an angular face is more well suited to a rounded shape.  It’s a process of trying on different styles.  Try different angles too as most hats are most flattering when they aren’t straight on your head. 

Below is a chart from my friend Serena Johnson showing which hat styles suit which shapes best.  Use this guide as a starting place for which styles to try.

Used with permission, Styled by Serena

One more thing to consider is how to style your hair when wearing hats.  Too much volume can be overwhelming with hats so try your hair tied back or tucked behind your ears.  For us girls it’s good news that we don’t need to remove hats indoors.

One common concern with wearing hats is the dreaded hat hair.  Make sure your hair is completely dry before wearing a hat and when you take it off flip your head upside down and run your fingers through it to bring back some volume and movement.

Accessories are just one part of dressing your best.  Wearing your best colors and dressing your shape are important too.   A Personal Style Appointment teaches you these three keys to dress you best every day plus trends and more.

Virtual Personal Style Appointments are done via email and phone for $60. You will have your completed style analysis, a set of virtual swatches you access right from your smartphone and the confidence to dress you best every day.  Contact me below to schedule your Personal Style Appointment.